So, continuing to goof-around a little bit with applying my Python knowledge to analysis of the stock markets, I decided to build a Dash app with Plotly that would allow one to see real-time price action while also implementing the well-known “5-13-8 EMA” trading strategy.

It’s still a work-in-progress to be sure … and it’s probably totally unnecessary—such indicators and plots are quickly and easily used on platforms like Trading View and Ninja Trader, but I wondered if I could do myself, from scratch.

Just input your Ticker Symbol and click “Submit” and you’ll get a current plot. It may take a little bit of time to load since I’m on the free plan there with render.

P.S. It’s still a work in progress—it’s looking as if the “Buy/Sell” Signals on the plot are off/reversed. I’ll have a look at that when I can …